Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Magazine Ads (Jan. 23, 2012)

The average American, today, is surrounded by advertisements promoted on t.v., billboards, buses, buildings, newspapers and magazines. Advertisements are used to sell a point of view, promote a charity, or even to support political campaigns. But mainly advertisement is used to sell commercial products. Products like toothpaste, cereals, tissue paper, shampoo, blow dryers, jeans, t-shirts, soft drinks, bottled water, radios, computers, etc. How many of these products do you we actually need? For example, why is it important to have a underwear under Calvin Klein's or Levi's on your back pocket of your favorite pants? This is because the purpose of advertisement is to persuade viewers to buy or support something for profit. As graphic designer, one must consider important questions before designing, for example :What is the ad really trying to sell? What visual and verbal strategies is the ad using to portray its message? Is the ad ultimately persuasive?

Magazines ads, for example, can be used to demonstrate this idea. Designers must first do research and figure out who the ad is going to target and what kind of message is going to be portrayed . Secondly, the design. Designers need to make sure that the customer's eye goes immediately to the visuals. They got to think about how they will use visuals: people or places in the ad, uses of color, choice of font, movement of customer's eyes, etc. Third, Designers must examine the brand name and its display, the product's slogan, and other print information and analyze why this slogan was chosen. Fourth, they must consider the types of emotional appeals that are meant to entice the customer. And finally, consider the overall impact of the ad. Make the audience think about your ad and why would they need it.

After looking through many magazine ads during the past week, I have noticed many ads aren't as good as they should be. The best type of ads are the ones that look visually attractive and send a strong message. The good ones usually have imagery, type, and color all working together withing the layout of the ad. The bad ones usually do not have these qualities working together, layout just looks all slapped on together. Positioning, Layout, color and message connection must all work together within an ad in order for a successful ad.

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